Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This draft of Little Fish is officially finished. On the long drive for the holiday weekend, I'm going to take a red pen to it and do whatever line-editing is necessary, then next week it's submission time. Woohoo!


ICQB said...

Hello Water and Ink blogger. I'm visiting from the comments section of Nathan Bransford's blog.

I read your friend's version of your query a few posts before this one. I also think her version is more concise and does a better job of hooking the reader.

The hook is the end-all, be-all in the query. You probably know about the Query Shark site, but if you don't, it's fun and helpful:


Your novel really sounds intriguing - I wish you luck!!


Christine Carey said...

Thanks! I will try to work with hers again. =)